Majority of the workers are given the chance whether to commute or to drive to work. The latter on the other hand is definitely more advantageous for it gives people private space and great comfort. If you think that’s all you can enjoy from driving to work, then you better think again. There are several other benefits that you can get from it too.

Space is All Yours and Yours alone

If you are a germaphobe, then you most probably sold with the idea of owning a car. Who would like to be squeezed on the bus or train full of people? Not to mention, the fact that you have to suck other commuters coughing, wiping their cold and whatnot.

At least with a car, you only have to worry about yourself. Of course, the traffic ahead to avoid accident. Besides, you have enough space in bringing all the items you bought from

You Own the Time

Do you frequently miss your morning alarm? If you are commuting to work, then it is definitely a big deal for now, you have to move fast in order to make up for the lost times you woke up late.

When driving, this isn’t actually a big deal. It is because you can make up for most of the lost time on the road and still be able to get to your destination on time.

Travelling using public transportation is completely different story. If you miss the train or bus by mere seconds, it can mean waiting for another 30 minutes for the next trip to arrive. And before you know it, you have already missed your appointment.

Personal Entertainment

You don’t need to be a good singer to agree with this one. Let us face it, having a bit of singalong while on commute takes the stress out. At the same time, it puts you in the mood while lifting your spirit. On the other hand, doing the same thing while on commute on you’d look like a crazy person where other commuters would do everything to avoid you.

It’s Faster

If you are traveling to busy cities, then driving can bring you faster to your destination. You have the ability to take shortcuts, which is something public transportation like buses can’t do.